What have I learned and how will I keep up:
Well, one thing I have learned is not to put Adsense on anything because you'll never get rid of it. I have also learned a lot about the future of information for the masses. I learned that Wikipedia is only as good as the last guy who posted to it and that there are a lot of fun and relevant tools available now that a few years ago we hadn't dreamed of.
Keeping up, for me, will be on a need to know it-have it-use it basis since I do not work in information science or management. This was an informative exercise and I did enjoy running around the internet and learning new things!
Well, one thing I have learned is not to put Adsense on anything because you'll never get rid of it. I have also learned a lot about the future of information for the masses. I learned that Wikipedia is only as good as the last guy who posted to it and that there are a lot of fun and relevant tools available now that a few years ago we hadn't dreamed of.
Keeping up, for me, will be on a need to know it-have it-use it basis since I do not work in information science or management. This was an informative exercise and I did enjoy running around the internet and learning new things!
assignment and research calculator
How cool. Invented at the University of Minnesota, there are now a few different versions of assignment and research calculators on the internet. No longer will students fantasize they can complete a major research paper the weekend before it is due. The assignment and research calculator, based on start and due dates and the subject, will break down precisely what needs to be done and when.
Here's a link to the original calculator at UM:
Here's a link to the original calculator at UM:
My 20th Thing...
Ask a Librarian, the Florida Memory Project, Florida on Florida, I will cite these as the "more than just articles" 2.0 part of FEL.
The website has a number of interesting parts to it but no mention of social networking or any of the other 2.0 types of things discussed in earlier 23 Things questions.
The Ask a Librarian is interactive, allowing you to chat with a librarian. The Florida Memory Project is just an awesome collection of photos and history from all over the state. As a Florida native I am in love with the reminders of days gone by found there and the same with Florida on Florida which is a digital archive of maps and information about the state.
The FEL site doesn't say anything specific about moving into the 2.0 age, but what a wonderful site for anyone needing or wanting info on the state of Florida.
The website has a number of interesting parts to it but no mention of social networking or any of the other 2.0 types of things discussed in earlier 23 Things questions.
The Ask a Librarian is interactive, allowing you to chat with a librarian. The Florida Memory Project is just an awesome collection of photos and history from all over the state. As a Florida native I am in love with the reminders of days gone by found there and the same with Florida on Florida which is a digital archive of maps and information about the state.
The FEL site doesn't say anything specific about moving into the 2.0 age, but what a wonderful site for anyone needing or wanting info on the state of Florida.
Direct from Wikipedia: "A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant messaging services...
MySpace and Facebook being the most widely used in North America;[1] Nexopia (mostly in Canada);[2] Bebo,[3] Facebook, Hi5, MySpace, Tagged, Xing;[4] and Skyrock in parts of Europe;[5] Orkut and Hi5 in South America and Central America;[6] and Friendster, Orkut, Xiaonei and Cyworld in Asia and the Pacific Islands."
MySpace and Facebook being the most widely used in North America;[1] Nexopia (mostly in Canada);[2] Bebo,[3] Facebook, Hi5, MySpace, Tagged, Xing;[4] and Skyrock in parts of Europe;[5] Orkut and Hi5 in South America and Central America;[6] and Friendster, Orkut, Xiaonei and Cyworld in Asia and the Pacific Islands."
OH my- this turned into a rant!
OK, I did the MySpace thing and I am over it.
I had fun, met about 300 people I don't know, made them my friends, played Mafia and Poker with them, updated my status so they would know just what I was up to and deleted them all in a fit of who cares.
Maybe because I am 41 and not 14 I just can't get a glow on for chatting with a bunch of knuckleheads I dont really know. Oh, but I do want to keep my friends updated on my every move-- NOT. And I do not really want to keep up with their every move either- seriously. My close friends know my philosophy on hanging out. What makes a friend is not what keeps a friend. Distance and mystery is a Real Good Thing.
I can count on my one hand the number of useful relationships I have left behind that I actively think about. Some I miss and occasionally, when mired in melancholy, I Google a name or two. Most I know how to contact if I wanted too but for the most part, what we- as buds- had is lost in time and after a brief catching up it would be a big let down. People move on. Its a fact.
So why become cyber-social in the first place?
Novelty, for me. I am not networking and my husband would be annoyed if I were to start dating and I don't have a problem making friends face to face. But I had a lot of fun decorating my site, checking for messages and comments and finding just the right the add-ons to make my space all mine. It looked like Vegas.
So on my two hands I can count the number of friends I actually share my life with and they don't need me to update my status or send them a flashing red rose wrapped around a scantily clad cowgirl that reads Happy Humpday.
I had fun, met about 300 people I don't know, made them my friends, played Mafia and Poker with them, updated my status so they would know just what I was up to and deleted them all in a fit of who cares.
Maybe because I am 41 and not 14 I just can't get a glow on for chatting with a bunch of knuckleheads I dont really know. Oh, but I do want to keep my friends updated on my every move-- NOT. And I do not really want to keep up with their every move either- seriously. My close friends know my philosophy on hanging out. What makes a friend is not what keeps a friend. Distance and mystery is a Real Good Thing.
I can count on my one hand the number of useful relationships I have left behind that I actively think about. Some I miss and occasionally, when mired in melancholy, I Google a name or two. Most I know how to contact if I wanted too but for the most part, what we- as buds- had is lost in time and after a brief catching up it would be a big let down. People move on. Its a fact.
So why become cyber-social in the first place?
Novelty, for me. I am not networking and my husband would be annoyed if I were to start dating and I don't have a problem making friends face to face. But I had a lot of fun decorating my site, checking for messages and comments and finding just the right the add-ons to make my space all mine. It looked like Vegas.
So on my two hands I can count the number of friends I actually share my life with and they don't need me to update my status or send them a flashing red rose wrapped around a scantily clad cowgirl that reads Happy Humpday.
YouTube was founded by PayPal and is now run by Google. No, not really, but three guys who used to work for PayPal started YouTube so the whole world could broadcast videos of absolutely everything to the rest of the whole world.
YouTube uses Adobe (who doesn't?) Flash video to show videos uploaded by users. Users can upload anything but preferrably not porn or violence and definitely not copyrighted stuff. Naturally things slip through but its still pretty cool, and it became so popular Google bought out the founding fathers. In my highschool day you were nothing without a Rubik's Cube. Now you're nothing without a viral video on YouTube.
This free service makes YouTube and Google about a billion dollars worth of revenue and has made the corporation big-dog enough to form partnerships with Sony and Warner and others. YouTube is even being sued by Viacom for copyright infringement- and thats when you know you've made it!
YouTube uses Adobe (who doesn't?) Flash video to show videos uploaded by users. Users can upload anything but preferrably not porn or violence and definitely not copyrighted stuff. Naturally things slip through but its still pretty cool, and it became so popular Google bought out the founding fathers. In my highschool day you were nothing without a Rubik's Cube. Now you're nothing without a viral video on YouTube.
This free service makes YouTube and Google about a billion dollars worth of revenue and has made the corporation big-dog enough to form partnerships with Sony and Warner and others. YouTube is even being sued by Viacom for copyright infringement- and thats when you know you've made it!
Rollyo is a customizeable search engine that allows the user to set their own search parameters without programming. Rollyo says by putting in your own parameters you can skip irrelevant search results. Whats even better is like minded people can share their searchrolls for even more access to what you're looking for. Without parameters, for a subject I typed in, Rollyo returned 797,000 results and for the same search Google returned 374,000 results.
Putting in personalized criteria could be a very useful timesaver in the library for narrowing search results to those most specific.
Putting in personalized criteria could be a very useful timesaver in the library for narrowing search results to those most specific.
but seriously...
Library Thing is a specialized social network in which users can build reading lists and develop a public- or private- collection of material, plus thay can meet other like minded users and form virtual relationships...
How can my library use it? With some encouragement it could be a great marketing tool to get people in. Feature plenty of copies of whats hot and trendy or controversial. Offer opportunities to chat with a real librarian (not a thingamabrarian). The possibilities are many!
How can my library use it? With some encouragement it could be a great marketing tool to get people in. Feature plenty of copies of whats hot and trendy or controversial. Offer opportunities to chat with a real librarian (not a thingamabrarian). The possibilities are many!
Online productivity tools, at least the selection I found, sound like more of what we already have:
Calc, kinda like Excel; Backpack, kinda like OneNote; DocMorph, kinda like Adobe PDF, Plus there's Slideshare, Wikis and social networks galore. Here's a great link to a ton of resources http://mashable.com/2007/07/20/online-productivity-god/
So, why do we care about online productivity? No downloads necessary, no memory needed and its FREE.
I rest my case.
Calc, kinda like Excel; Backpack, kinda like OneNote; DocMorph, kinda like Adobe PDF, Plus there's Slideshare, Wikis and social networks galore. Here's a great link to a ton of resources http://mashable.com/2007/07/20/online-productivity-god/
So, why do we care about online productivity? No downloads necessary, no memory needed and its FREE.
I rest my case.
A wiki is not a guy from Star Wars
What I learned about document collaboration and wikis is that both allow the non html writing user to add content to the internet.
Document collaboration is just what it says: a number of people collaborating on a document.
Wikis, like Wikipedia are a collection of pages that anyone can modify or add to. I use Wikipedia often to get a general idea of something but because anyone can modify the content one can never be sure how accurate it is. In my estimation it is far too easy to add a little something of your own to a wiki if the wiki is presented as a research tool. Wikipedia is a one example of a wiki, as well as Wikibooks and Wikispaces, where you can start your own wiki.
Document collaboration is just what it says: a number of people collaborating on a document.
Examples of sites on which you can collaborate are Buzzword, Zoho, Versionate, and Google Docs and oddly enough, SharePoint. Also due to launch this summer is TextFlow. Some collaborative writing projects are: Everything2, Galaxiki, and One Million Monkeys Typing.
Wikis, like Wikipedia are a collection of pages that anyone can modify or add to. I use Wikipedia often to get a general idea of something but because anyone can modify the content one can never be sure how accurate it is. In my estimation it is far too easy to add a little something of your own to a wiki if the wiki is presented as a research tool. Wikipedia is a one example of a wiki, as well as Wikibooks and Wikispaces, where you can start your own wiki.
I give up
I didn't find any major publications to rate or review on MySpace. Sure, Cosmo has a page but they aren't asking anyone to rate it. But I did find this little gem: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=857505
which was interesting, brief and has nothing to so with what I was searching for. The closest I came to relevance was this: http://blog.futurelab.net/2008/11/mediapost_publications_faceboo.html
Not so brief but basically states that businesses using social media are less connecting with people and more advertising to people. As I suspected!
which was interesting, brief and has nothing to so with what I was searching for. The closest I came to relevance was this: http://blog.futurelab.net/2008/11/mediapost_publications_faceboo.html
Not so brief but basically states that businesses using social media are less connecting with people and more advertising to people. As I suspected!
Tagging My Bookmark
del.icio.us is a 'social bookmarking' website which means you can access your bookmarks from anywhere. Handy, if I do say so, plus you can look at other peoples bookmarks and possibly find something great that you didn't previously know about.
del.icio.us says that it is "an easy way to view all the bookmarks saved by interesting people", which leads me to wonder what happens if you're boring? Where would a dud bookmark a website: yu.ck?
Tagging is how we describe pictures or sites or information so that other people can find them. When we type in cheese doodle, or whatever it is we're looking for, we get as much about cheese doodles as possible based on the tag. Be descriptive on the tag. About a cheese doodle, for instance you might type in cheesy, crispy, crunchy, orangey-goodness or Chester Cheetah, etc. You'll get as much related to those words as possible, including- possibly- cheese doodles.
del.icio.us says that it is "an easy way to view all the bookmarks saved by interesting people", which leads me to wonder what happens if you're boring? Where would a dud bookmark a website: yu.ck?
Tagging is how we describe pictures or sites or information so that other people can find them. When we type in cheese doodle, or whatever it is we're looking for, we get as much about cheese doodles as possible based on the tag. Be descriptive on the tag. About a cheese doodle, for instance you might type in cheesy, crispy, crunchy, orangey-goodness or Chester Cheetah, etc. You'll get as much related to those words as possible, including- possibly- cheese doodles.
Seven of Nine was a Star Trek character. This is 9 of 23.
I created an account on Slideshare. Slideshare lets you upload a presentation to link to other sites or just share from the Slideshare site. However, Slideshare only uploads certain types of files, so I would have had to create a powerpoint presentation to upload to Slideshare to then link to Blogger and I just didn't think that was a good use of time. So I have created instead a slide show of pictures, all of which are random, from the common licensed photos on Flickr!
Web 2.0 Tools
A pretty good site for info and how-to on Web 2.0 tools is located at techsoup.org. http://www.techsoup.org/toolkits/web2/
Working in circulation at the library I am not sure precisely what tools would be of value to the library as a whole. In circulation, however- and Microsoft Online notwithstanding- we could use shareable calendars like the ones at http://assignaday.4teachers.org/ or http://www.eprintablecalendars.com/. These were designed for teachers but certainly could be used in the workplace.
Surveying patrons about various programs and products could also be useful. Surveys can be collected and evaluated online at http://www.zoomerang.com/ and http://www.surveymonkey.com/.
It is possible the library could benefit from podcasts, by allowing programs to be recorded then making the available for download. Library patrons might also benefit from RSS feeds about popular or trendy topics which the library could link to on our website.
Web 2.0 tools are varied but basically allow the public the easiest access to any and all information. The only downfall would be maintaining the integrity of the information we offer.
Working in circulation at the library I am not sure precisely what tools would be of value to the library as a whole. In circulation, however- and Microsoft Online notwithstanding- we could use shareable calendars like the ones at http://assignaday.4teachers.org/ or http://www.eprintablecalendars.com/. These were designed for teachers but certainly could be used in the workplace.
Surveying patrons about various programs and products could also be useful. Surveys can be collected and evaluated online at http://www.zoomerang.com/ and http://www.surveymonkey.com/.
It is possible the library could benefit from podcasts, by allowing programs to be recorded then making the available for download. Library patrons might also benefit from RSS feeds about popular or trendy topics which the library could link to on our website.
Web 2.0 tools are varied but basically allow the public the easiest access to any and all information. The only downfall would be maintaining the integrity of the information we offer.

I found several fun sites that let me play with image and text generators. Below are a few of the links.
http://cooltext.com/ generates cool text, like the link says, and its free. I made the button above at cool text.
http://cooltext.com/ generates cool text, like the link says, and its free. I made the button above at cool text.
http://www.imagegenerator.net/browse/dumbledore/score/109238/ lets you add messages to photos or create images of your own.
http://www.addletters.com/ another fun site to make your own text and images, but the link when you try to make your own sends you to webfetti, and from there you could get a nasty case of spyware. Be careful out there.
http://www.addletters.com/ another fun site to make your own text and images, but the link when you try to make your own sends you to webfetti, and from there you could get a nasty case of spyware. Be careful out there.
Flickr Mashups are the devil
I found a great mashup: Flickr Fight http://flickrfight.net/. You can make your pictures fight! Discovering how to add a mashup to Flickr, however is a matter of national security. Forget Web 2.0, I was absolutely unable to discover how this is possible. Not to worry; I called an expert in Peekskill, New York, Dom Perruccio. Dom is a scientist and I am sure he will help me figure this out. I will re-post when that happens.
Flickr, or five:twentythree
Flickr, the photo managment site, has been toured and explored, including the tags. What fun!!!
This link offers a quick description of what RSS is. RSS stands for rich site summary and basically lets those who publish to the web syndicate their website.
I have added some RSS feeds to my account.
This link offers a quick description of what RSS is. RSS stands for rich site summary and basically lets those who publish to the web syndicate their website.
I have added some RSS feeds to my account.
Blog Search
Icerocket, Google, Blogdigger are examples of blog search engines. They search for information within whatever parameters they are set up with, either in or on blogging sites or on the web. Some sites will track trends, like Icerocket, so you can research a topic based on how many times it has been blogged about.
I have never used a blog search engine. If I am looking for information I use Google pretty much exclusively. If I am looking for news I skip the internet and type in my local news channels web sites or CNN. They are the most reliable and the most relevant to my life.
I have never used a blog search engine. If I am looking for information I use Google pretty much exclusively. If I am looking for news I skip the internet and type in my local news channels web sites or CNN. They are the most reliable and the most relevant to my life.
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is a concept more than a technology. Web 2.0 encompasses a whole realm of what is being referred to as a second generation world wide web, which includes new found uses for social technology including: social-networking sites, blogs, podcasts, ppc marketing, wikis, tagging, RSS syndication, web-based communities, hosted services and user-generated content . These new ideas and techniques encourage user interaction, communication, and collaboration.
My opinion of the Web 2.0 concept is overall favorable. For fun, research, school or work Web 2.0 is a miracle. But I wonder where all the open information will end. Will there be a day in the future when we are all web-cam models with no privacy? Or will lawmakers step in at some point and find a way to regulate intellectual property? We should not lose our ability to choose how much of ourselves we give away. If technology ceases to be an option or opportunity and becomes automatic then the the benefit we are seeing now also ceases to be of use.
Library 2.0 is also not well defined but like Web 2.0 it is a collection of interactive possibilities that would/could bring linbraries into the digital age.
My opinion of the Web 2.0 concept is overall favorable. For fun, research, school or work Web 2.0 is a miracle. But I wonder where all the open information will end. Will there be a day in the future when we are all web-cam models with no privacy? Or will lawmakers step in at some point and find a way to regulate intellectual property? We should not lose our ability to choose how much of ourselves we give away. If technology ceases to be an option or opportunity and becomes automatic then the the benefit we are seeing now also ceases to be of use.
Library 2.0 is also not well defined but like Web 2.0 it is a collection of interactive possibilities that would/could bring linbraries into the digital age.
I made my gmail account: michelles23things@gmail, created ablog, deleted it and am moving on to task number 2.
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